26. 9. 2002

Žal jesenska koncertna ponudba pri nas ne bo tako pestra, kot je kazalo. Po odpovedi turneje Dismember so tudi Borknagar odpovedali turnejo. Kmalu zatem so svoje odpovedi potrdili tudi drugi bandi, ki bi se morali kmalu ustaviti tudi v Ljubljani.
Izjava Borknagar: "Unfortunately the tour is cancelled! The Swedish bus company raised their prices 63% and we tried getting new busses from about all other bus companies in Europe but it seems like every band on the planet is on tour at the same time. Last week we managed to get two busses from an English company but guess what? They both broke down during the weekend. One of them is now standing somewhere in Portugal...
We're all pissed off about this. Sorry to all the fans and the bands we were supposed to play with, but there was nothing we could do. Aaaaarrrgh!!!!"

Izjava Finntroll: "Guess what, loyal fans of Finntroll... Yup, that's right, you guessed it. The whole damn European Tour has been cancelled. Not only Finntroll had to cancel it but every other band too had to back away. The reason for this major mess was the most stupidiest and unthinkable reason. Both of their tour busses broke down and they cannot get new ones in time. I hope Somnium will tell you more about this matter as soon as he can and explain the whole thing to you and as well as me. Only think I can really say is that they are becoming the most unluckiest band in the world. First Katla and now this. " /P.G./

8. 9. 2002
29. oktobra izide prvi koncertni album ponovno združenih Prong. Na 100% Live bodo naslednje pesmi: Another Worldly Device, Disbelief, Beg To Differ, Initiation, Broken Peace, Prove You Wrong, Close The Door, Rude Awakening, Controller, Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck, Cut Rate, Unconditional, Dark Signs, Whose Fist Is This Anyway. /M.P./

20. 7. 2002
Oktobra se na evropsko turnejo odpravljajo Finntroll, Borknagar, Susperia, Suidakra in Windir. 12. oktobra jih boste lahko gledali na Dunaju (Arena). /M.P./

15. 6. 2002
Pevec Katla je zapustil Finntroll. Katla ima v grlu tumor, ki se je kljub trem operacijam od decembra dalje tako razširil, da je sedaj nujna operacija, s katero mu bodo za stalno poškodovali vokal. Zdravljenje bo dolgotrajno in Katla se je zaradi tega odločil za odhod iz banda, ki mu po njegovih besedah, pomeni vse. Ostali člani banda se še niso odločili, kaj in kako nadaljevati. /M.P./

23. 5. 2002
V Studio Fredman v Göteburgu bodo Finntroll med 21. novembrom in 20. decembrom Finntroll snemali nov album, ki naj bi izšel v prvem delu prihodnjega leta. /M.P./

17. 5. 2002
Nori Finci Impaled Nazarene bodo 13. julija odigrali kar dva koncerta in sicer enega na Tuska Open Air Festivalu, drugega pa na Ilosari Rock Festivalu. Nastopili bodo brez kitarista Somniuma, ki bo naslednji dan nastopil na Dynamo Open Air Festivalu s Finntroll, zamenjal pa ga bo Thy Serpent/Shale Of Despair kitarist Tomi Ullgren. /M.P./

9. 2. 2002
25. februarja bo izšla nova Hypocrisy mojstrovina Catch 22. Na njem bodo naslednji komadi: Don't Judge Me, Destroyed, Edge Of Madness, A Public Puppet, Uncontrolled, Turn The Page, Hatred, Another Dead End (For Another Dead Man), Seeds Of The Chosen One, All Turns Black. /M.P./

9. 11. 2001
Finntroll bodo maja začeli s snemanjem novega albuma. Med snemanjem bodo posneli tudi akustični mini album. /M.P./

27. 9. 2001
Švedi Vintersorg bodo na novo (v drugačnem, “eksperimentalnem” stilu) posneli nekaj starih komadov in jih poleg nekaj novih izdali na EP-ju Fragments And Alternatives. Nekaj naslovov: Till Fjälls (Evolution Mix), Cosmic Genesis (Space Jazz Version), Stilla (The Intense Nature Looped), Ödemarkens Son (Sounds Of Uncontrolled Metaphysics), Blindsight Complexity (nova), Frĺn Materia Till Ande (nova), A Sphere In A Sphere (To Infinity) (nova). /M.P./

27. 9. 2001
Finntroll so odpovedali sodelovanje na evropski turneji s Tristanio, Rotting Christ, Vintersorg in Madder Mortem, ker je pevec Katla ostal brez glasu in dva meseca ne sme peti. /M.P./

23. 5. 2001
Ta teden so izšli naslednji albumi: SOUL DOCTOR: Soul Doctor, TERRA FIRMA: Harms Way, WISDOM CALL: Wisdom Call, ABSU: Tara, AMEN: Amen, EXMORTEM: Berzerker Legions, EYEHATEGOOD: 10 Years Of Abuse (And Still Broke), FINNTROLL: Jaktens Tid, INSANIA: Sunrise In Riverland, SHADOW: Shadow, HYPNOSKULL: Electronic Music Means War To Us in IZZY STRADLIN: River.

29. 3. 2001
Ta teden so izšle naslednje plošče: AMORPHIS: Am Universum, HALFORD: Live Insurrection, THRESHOLD: Hypothetical, STYGMA IV: Phobia, IRON FIRE: On The Edge, KATATONIA: Last Fair Deal Gone Down, SUSPERIA: Predominance, SKYFIRE: Timeless Departure, SKINLESS: Foreshadowing Our Demise, LOST HORIZON: Awakening The World, MYSTIC CIRCLE: The Great Beat, TROLL: Universal, ULVER: Perdition City, ARK: Burn The Sun, ANASARCA: Moribund, ABIGOR: Satanized, EARTH CRISIS: Last Of The Same, EXTREME NOISE TERROR: Being And Nothing in GUTTERMOUTH: Covered With Ants.

25. 5. 2024
Ušće, Beograd, Srbija
25. 5. 2024
RCF Arena, Reggio Emilia, Italija
25. 5. 2024
From Goat to Death: Athiria, Cold December, Darkfall, Fallen Utopia, Scion Of Darkness
Alpen-Adria-Platz 1, Celovec, Avstrija
26. 5. 2024
2x Metallica v Münchnu
Olympiastadion, München, Nemčija
29. 5. 2024
Ippodromo Snai La Maura, Milano, Italija
31. 5. 2024
Britof, Jegulja
Dvorana KS Podlubnik - Stara Loka, Škofja Loka