26. 9. 2002

Empirical Festival odpade!

Žal jesenska koncertna ponudba pri nas ne bo tako pestra, kot je kazalo. Po odpovedi turneje Dismember so tudi Borknagar odpovedali turnejo. Kmalu zatem so svoje odpovedi potrdili tudi drugi bandi, ki bi se morali kmalu ustaviti tudi v Ljubljani.
Izjava Borknagar: "Unfortunately the tour is cancelled! The Swedish bus company raised their prices 63% and we tried getting new busses from about all other bus companies in Europe but it seems like every band on the planet is on tour at the same time. Last week we managed to get two busses from an English company but guess what? They both broke down during the weekend. One of them is now standing somewhere in Portugal...
We're all pissed off about this. Sorry to all the fans and the bands we were supposed to play with, but there was nothing we could do. Aaaaarrrgh!!!!"

Izjava Finntroll: "Guess what, loyal fans of Finntroll... Yup, that's right, you guessed it. The whole damn European Tour has been cancelled. Not only Finntroll had to cancel it but every other band too had to back away. The reason for this major mess was the most stupidiest and unthinkable reason. Both of their tour busses broke down and they cannot get new ones in time. I hope Somnium will tell you more about this matter as soon as he can and explain the whole thing to you and as well as me. Only think I can really say is that they are becoming the most unluckiest band in the world. First Katla and now this. " /P.G./

31. 7. 2014Lake On Fire Festival 2014 / Novice
9. 8. 2013Sick Midsummer Festival 2013 / Novice
18. 4. 2012Roadburn Festival 2012 / Novice
2. 2. 2012Dark Empire / Novice
12. 3. 2007Up From The Ground Festival / Novice
9. 6. 2024
Barba Negra, Budimpešta, Madžarska
10. 6. 2024
Tool, Night Verses
Stadthalle, Dunaj, Avstrija
11. 6. 2024
Slaughter to Prevail
Media Center, Ljubljana
11. 6. 2024
Gala hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana
12. 6. 2024
Nebula, Modula Nation, Buss
Vintage Industrial Bar, Zagreb, Hrvaška
13. 6. 2024
Igorrr, Sanguisugabogg
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana