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29. 3. 2024

Švedski crust/death metalci Crawl predstavljajo komad Throne of Molten Bones s prihajajočega dolgometražca Altar of Disgust, ki ga bo 3. maja izdala založba Transcending Obscurity Records.

25. 3. 2024

Švedska black metal/crust zasedba Dödsrit je prejšnji petek pri založbi Wolves of Hades izdala svoj četrti celovečerec Nocturnal Will, ki mu lahko v celoti prisluhnete tukaj.

21. 3. 2024

Psihedelični temačneži Lares bodo 12. aprila pri Argonauta Records izdali drugi celovečerec z naslovom Et In Arcadia Ego. Kaj pravi zasedba o prihajajoči izdaji, pa lahko preberete spodaj:

»The album is an accidental concept born from the first session we managed to play together after a long and frustrating break necessitated by lockdowns, band members in high risk categories, and mental illness. Without looking for it we found death, isolation, boredom, uncertainty, rage, and an energy that we decided instantly to try to capture and preserve as it was. No additives, no major editing. In the uncertainty of the times, we began to collect recording equipment, slowly transforming our rehearsal space into a recording studio. We developed a ritual of playing and replaying, without click, the whole 27 minutes, until we got better than close to the original, to the perfect simulacra. There is a bonus track included in the album called '10 Hygiea' that is part of the soundtrack of 'Music Appreciation', a short horror movie we collaborated with.«

28. 2. 2024

Black/crust metal zasedba Wormwitch in blackened death/thrash metal zasedba Sadistic Ritual sta za 22. marec pri Boris Records napovedali skupno izdajo z imenom Wormwitch and Sadistic Ritual. Ta prinaša šest pesmi:

Wormwitch – Weapons Against Despair
Wormwitch – Rayonnant Banners
Wormwitch – Spells of Tartarus
Sadistic Ritual – Obscurity's Stare
Sadistic Ritual – The Recusant
Sadistic Ritual – Reminiscence Unrealized

2. 2. 2024

Po komadu Undead Crypts crust/death metalci Crawl iz Kalmarja na Švedskem predstavljajo še Knives – drugi single s svojega drugega dolgometražca Altar of Disgust, ki ga bo letos izdala založba Transcending Obscurity Records.

1. 2. 2024

Švedski crust/death metalci Crawl predstavljajo komad Undead Crypts s prihajajočega albuma Altar of Disgust, ki ga bodo izdali pod okriljem založbe Transcending Obscurity Records.

11. 1. 2024

Deathspell Omega so prek svoje založbe Norma Evangelium Diaboli objavili videoposnetek komada The Fires of Frustration, ki so ga posneli na vaji.

14. 12. 2023

Švedska progresivna death metal zasedba Carnosus sporoča, da je sklenila sodelovanje z Willowtip Records. Poleg naznanitve nove založbe band še sporoča, da bo kmalu začel z delom na tretjem albumu:

»As the year ends we are buckling up and getting ready to record our third album. We are happy to announce that this time we are working with Willowtip Records and joining their roster of amazing bands!

Expect more ‘Visions’ as we venture into our third installment, with tales of the vicious majesty and the world it lives in. This project comes with some of our finest riffs to date and is a bit more progressive than our last album. We will, once again, team up with the trustworthy and excellent producer Robert Kukla at Obsidian Recording Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are beyond stoked to let this material come to life, and we hit the studio early 2024! Giddy up!«

13. 11. 2023

Belgijski black/sludge/death metal band Predatory Void je objavil prvi del inštalacije z naslovom Live at dunk!studios. Za ta projekt je zasedba v živo v Dunkstudios posnela pesmi s svojega prvenca Seven Keys to the Discomfort of Being. Pri snemanju sta pomagala Jannes Van Rossom in Tim De Gieter. Posneta je bila tudi posebna akustična različica pesmi Seeds of Frustration, ki jo izvajata samo Lennart Bossu (kitara) in Lina R. (vokal).

10. 11. 2023

V petek so bostonski post/sludge metalci Morne izdali svoj peti studijski album Engraved with Pain, ki so ga pospremili z videospotom za skladbo Memories Like Stone.

27. 10. 2023

Danes bodo Metalsteel v Medvodah praznovali 20. obletnico albuma Usoda. Z njimi praznovali bodo Classified:

20.00 vrata
21.00 Classified
22.00 Metalsteel z gosti

Poleg tega se bo odvila v Ljubljani PVB fešta, medtem ko bodo v Mariboru nastopili Heathen Foray in Rebellion.

6. 10. 2023

Bostonski post/sludge metal/crust band Morne skupaj z novim videospotom predstavlja skladbo Wretched Empire s svojega petega albuma Engraved with Pain, ki bo 3. novembra izšel pri založbi Metal Blade Records. Plošček obsega te štiri pesmi:

Engraved with Pain
Memories Like Stone
Wretched Empire
Fire and Dust

11. 9. 2023

V graškem klubu Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv bodo v mesecu oktobru in novembru izvedeni trije t. i. »rituali«, v okviru katerih bodo nastopili različni velikani podzemlja ekstremne metal glasbe. To so:

15/10/2023 Noise Ritual Graz 2023: Vader, Vomitory, Skaphos, Aetherian, Skull Crusher
04/11/2023 Black Ritual Graz 2023: Ancient Rites, Irdorath, Asmodeus, Misanthropic Might, Voidstalker, Lehm
17/11/2023 Death Ritual Graz 2023: Krisiun, Baest, Schizophrenia, Triagone, Trustno1, Under Destruction

Več informacij v zvezi z vstopninami in podobnim najdete v našem Napovedniku, če sledite zgornjim povezavam.

31. 8. 2023

Francoska death metal/powerviolence/crust zasedba Karras je posnela videospot za komad Lutheran Blade s prihajajočega albuma We Poison Their Young.

31. 8. 2023

Ameriški thrasherji War Curse napovedujejo izid tretjega dolgometražca Confession, ki bo izšel 20. oktobra pri Blacklight Media. Album bo zajemal naslednje komade:

The Nothing (That is Me)
Fortress Of Agony
Miracle Broker
Power Of The Powerless
The Convoy
Return To Dust
Sowing Division
Rusty Nail (Grip Inc. cover)
Illusion Of Choice

29. 4. 2024
Wizard Master, Chains
Channel Zero, Metelkova, Ljubljana
30. 4. 2024
The Ossuary, Motorowl, Wizard Master, Chains
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
2. 5. 2024
Sedem Minut Strachu, Usnu?, Urethra
Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana
3. 5. 2024
Heavy Psych Sounds Fest Italy 2024
Teatro Miela, Trst, Italija
3. 5. 2024
Keep of Kalessin, Hate, Kamra
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
3. 5. 2024
Negative Slug, Her Highness, Béton Brut
Dva Osam, Zagreb, Hrvaška