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26. 4. 2024

Disonantna/ekstremna pank zasedba Slugpit iz Ljubljane bo 15. maja izdala debitantski EP Mentally Unengaged, za katerega je produkcijo, miks in mastering opravil Anže Čanžek, naslovnico EP-ja pa je naslikal Sant V. Schreiber. Bandov logo je oblikoval Chris Kiesling (Misanthropic-Art).

Band bo prvi komad razkril v sredo ob 23. uri v oddaji Desadovnjak na Radiu Študent. EP Mentally Unengaged prinaša komade:

Goat Obliteration Machine
Sonic Eradication
Machete Carnage
Phantasmal Fist
Sentient Gas

Avtorica fotografije: Ronja Matijevec Jerman

24. 4. 2024

Iz tabora hrvaških doom metalcev Old Night sporočajo, da jih je zapustil vokalist in kitarist Matej Hanžek. Vrzel v zasedbi bo na vokalu tako zapolnil njegov brat Ivan, na kitari pa se je zasedbi pridružil Rafael Cvitković (Nekroza). Spodaj lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda:

»This is a post I write with a heavy heart, yet full of hope and with a bright look on the future. After eight years with us as our lead singer and frontman, earlier this year Matej decided to step down from his duties within Old Night. I know you are hoping for some gossip or a sassy story, but there was no drama involved. He just wants to focus on other things in life and at this point, music is not a priority for him. Having said that, I wish to thank him on our behalf for everything he has done for us, all the great times we shared on stage and backstage, but also for all the long hours he has put in working on our first three records. It was a privilege and you'll always be a part of our family. Obviously, this news has taken us aback and we had to figure out how best to proceed. We took some time to see what our options were, as this is an important role we needed to fill. After much deliberation we figured out we need not look outside our band for a perfect candidate as we have one in our midst. Ivan has been singing all the backing vocals from day one and from now on he will be handling all the lead vocals. No need to worry, he’ll remain our lead guitarist as well.

The only piece of the puzzle left to figure out was who’ll play the rhythm guitars? Without further ado, we welcome Rafael Cvitković, from the Croatian death metal machine Nekroza, as our new guitarist. If you attended our concerts, you might have already seen him filling in on sound checks or working on our merch booth. Nekroza just released their debut album on InsArt Records – you can check them out and show them your support.

With our line-up complete, we will continue working on our new record and we hope we’ll have some news in that regard soon. In a couple of weeks, we’ll have our first concert with the new line-up and we can’t wait to present you the New Old Night.«

19. 4. 2024

Današnji petek prinaša tudi nov izid iz hiše Antichrist Siege Machine. Ameriški black/death metal dvojec je pri Profound Lore izdal tretji album studijski album Vengeance of Eternal Fire, ki mu lahko prisluhnete tukaj.

29. 3. 2024

Ameriški black/death metal dvojec Antichrist Siege Machine je posnel videospot za komad Vanquishing Spirit s tretjega albuma Vengeance of Eternal Fire, ki bo izšel 19. aprila pri založbi Profound Lore.

13. 3. 2024

Gothic/doom metalci Drift Into Black, pri katerih bobna Klemen Markelj, bodo 28. junija izdali peti album Voices Beneath the Rubble. Ta bo izšel pri Black Lion Records in prinesel deset komadov:

The Horns of Despair
In Turmoil
The Great Machine
Voices Beneath the Rubble
Last Hope
Forever King
Blood Storm
What’s Left in the Fire
Turning of the Tide

5. 3. 2024

Angleške heavy metal hard rock legende Deep Purple so prvič po več kot 50 letih, odkar je uradno izšel album Machine Head leta 1972, objavili prvi uradni videospot za nepozabni komad Smoke on the Water, ki si ga lahko ogledate spodaj.

22. 2. 2024

Ameriški black/death metal dvojec Antichrist Siege Machine predstavlja nov komad Sisera kot prvi single s prihajajočega albuma Vengeance of Eternal Fire, ki ga bo izdal 19. aprila pri založbi Profound Lore. Tracklista:

Son of Man
Only Evil
Piled Swine
Cowering Lamb
Prey Upon Them
Vanquishing Spirit
Scalding Emnity
Lysergic War Psychosis
Abyssal Hate

20. 2. 2024

Kitarist zasedbe Decapitated Wacław »Vogg« Kiełtyka je prekinil sodelovanje z Machine Head, s katerimi je koncertiral od leta 2019. Razlog za njegovo odločitev je precej pričakovana, namreč tako Decapitated kot MH sta na odrih zelo aktivni zasedbi, zato bi prevečkrat prišlo do prekrivanja turnej, Voggova prva izbira pa so seveda Decapitated. Machine Head njegove uradne izjave še niso komentirali.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
31. 1. 2024

Brutalni death metal goregrinderji Gore Machine so podpisali sodelovanje z založbo Horror Pain Gore Death Productions. Plod sodelovanja bo izid prvenca Macerated & Liquified, ki naj bi izšel 23. februarja. Pred izidom albuma pa že lahko prisluhnete singlu Lunker.

18. 1. 2024

Avstrijska enočlanska thrash metal, crossover, metalcore zasedba Austrian Death Machine je objavila video za komad Destroy The Machines s prihajajočega albuma Quad Brutal, ki izide 23. februarja pri Napalm Records.

18. 12. 2023

Poljski black metalci Behemoth so bili minuli petek napovedani kot glavni headliner na Tolminatorju 2024. Poleg njih je organizator najavil še legendarne Testament in druge zanimive zasedbe: Rise Of The Northstar, Asphyx, Misery Index, Stoned Jesus in Lik.

Celoten seznam nastopajočih je zdaj takšen: Behemoth, Testament, Exodus, Dark Tranquillity, Rise Of The Northstar, Primordial, Suffocation, Tankard, Asphyx, Gutalax, Toxic Holocaust, Misery Index, Harakiri for the Sky, Deströyer 666, Gaerea, Lik, Sinister, Stoned Jesus, Milking The Goatmachine, Dopelord, Devil Master, Necrot, Dark Insanity.

8. 12. 2023

Po komadu No Pain No Gain je Tim Lambesis za svoj projekt Austrian Death Machine posnel še videospot za komad Don't Be Lazy, za katerega je vokal prispeval Craig Golias. Omenjena komada bosta izšla na albumu Quad Brutal, bandovemu četrtemu dolgometražcu in prvemu izidu po desetih letih zatišja. Album bo 23. februarja izdala založba Napalm Records, obsega pa naslednje naslove:

No Pain No Gain
Hey Bro Can You Spot Me?
Judgement Day
Everybody Pities the Weak
Don't Be Lazy
Get Down
Destroy the Machines
I Never Quit

16. 11. 2023

Industrial zasedba The Stroymachine je izdala svoj drugi studijski album, ki nosi naslov Renesonanza. Skupina ob tej priložnosti pripravlja spektakel ob izidu albuma, ki bo 24. novembra v ljubljanski Cukrarni. Vstopnice so že na voljo prek platforme

Album je zdaj na voljo na pretočnih platformah SpotifyDeezer, Youtube, Tidal in iTunes. Poslušate in naročite ga lahko tudi na Bandcampu.

15. 11. 2023

Nemški power metal veljaki Freedom Call se trenutno nahajajo v Soundart Recording Studio, kjer poteka snemanje njihovega enajstega studijskega albuma. Več podrobnosti sledi kmalu, spodaj pa lahko preberete izjavo banda iz studia:

»Hello to everyone from Freedom Call and big cheers from the Soundart Recording Studio. The recordings for their new studio album have started. Fantastic work of Ramy Ali - drums - (artist page) on the drums & Alexander Lysiakov on the sound machine. More infos will be revealed soon!«

14. 11. 2023

V petek je ameriški death metal band Left Cross, v katerem delujejo člani Antichrist Siege Machine in Embra, pri založbi Profound Lore izdal svoj drugi studijski album Desecrated Altars.

29. 4. 2024
Wizard Master, Chains
Channel Zero, Metelkova, Ljubljana
30. 4. 2024
The Ossuary, Motorowl, Wizard Master, Chains
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
2. 5. 2024
Sedem Minut Strachu, Usnu?, Urethra
Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana
3. 5. 2024
Heavy Psych Sounds Fest Italy 2024
Teatro Miela, Trst, Italija
3. 5. 2024
Keep of Kalessin, Hate, Kamra
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
3. 5. 2024
Negative Slug, Her Highness, Béton Brut
Dva Osam, Zagreb, Hrvaška